"Just tell me you want something. Nothing would make me happier than to give it to you!"

I visited my parents for the first time in two years this week. I'm always glad to come back. Catching up on family updates, home-cooked food, and being totally spoiled all over again just feels like the proper life detox sometimes. In fact, my family has been a major source of inspiration for my first start-up, FamilyTales, with my co-founder, Ramli. But that's a story for another day.

The ideas in this post were sparked by the quote at the top. My mother likes fawning after me and inundating me with offers to "try this other thing I've baked for you!" and inquiries to "wash your clothes for you once again?". More often than not, I decline her offers or do not provide a decisive answer to questions that try to have me choose between cheesecake or ice cream for dessert. Eventually she became frustrated and said the above quote in exasperation.

But I realized one thing about myself - I hardly ever ask for help or favours.